Daily Beauty Blog about Cosmetics, Treatments, Fragrances, and More
jeudi 31 janvier 2013
Ob for Shu Uemura
Hop on over to Kuri's Beauty Report for pics of the Ob for Shu Uemura Sakura collection that will be launched on 20 March in Japan. The flagship Shu boutique in Omotesando, Tokyo, will have an exclusive advance release on 22 February. It's a massive collection that includes:
- Cleansing Oils in Fresh Gentle, High Performance, Premium A/O Advanced and Brightening Gentle (7875yen - 9450yen for 450ml)
- UV Under Base Mousse in Pink Purple, BB Beige, Beige and Pink (3990yen - 4200yen)
- eight new pressed eyeshadows in basic matte and matte pastel tones (1890yen)
- three Rouge Unlimited Supreme Shine lipsticks in Coral, Sakura Pink and Dream Orange (3150yen)
Rumiko, the Creative Director of RMK, will complete her contract with the brand this July. Her last collection for the brand will be the Fall 2013 collection. A new Creative Director will be introduced with the Spring 2014 collection. This is quite a surprise considering that RMK just marked its 15th anniversary last year. Since its debut in 1997, RMK has grown to 101 counters in Japan and 49 counters in 7 countries outside of Japan. After Shu Uemura, it is probably the most well-known and successful Japanese makeup artist brand. According to this interview, Rumiko said that she was approached to start the brand after she did a 15-part makeup series in Spur magazine, photographed by Michael Thompson. She came up with the brand's bestselling iconic Liquid Foundation after seeing many Japanese women using a thick layer of foundation. RMK's Liquid Foundation has known for its beautifully natural finish. Comprising about 60% water, the formula has remained virtually unchanged in 15 years.
Congratulations to Kilian Hennessy, Calice Becker and the entire By Kilian team on winning the 2013 Indie FiFi Award for Amber Oud!
New York, NY, January 28, 2013. The Fragrance Foundation is pleased to announce that Amber Oud by Kilian was named the winner of the 2013 Fragrance Foundation Indie Award.
Based on both the fragrance and packaging, an esteemed panel of judges selected the winner from amongst 30 competitors.
“Once a year, The Fragrance Foundation recognizes indie brands for their unique and artistic fragrance launches,” said Elizabeth Musmanno, President of The Fragrance Foundation. “The Foundation always looks with anticipation and respect at the new indie launches each year.”
“Indie” is defined as an established brand that has been on the market for at least two years, is not distributed or owned by a large company and is sold in less than 50 stores in the U.S.
Each entry was judged on a scale of 1 to 5, (with five being the highest score) in the following areas:
·The fragrance/quality of the juice (counted for 70%)
·The presentation/packaging (counted for 30%)
The judging panel members were:
Paul Austin
President, Austin Advisory Group
Anne-Marie Guarnieri
Senior Beauty Editor, Allure Magazine
Virginia Bonofiglio
Chairperson, Cosmetics & Fragrance Marketing, FIT
Raymond Matts
The Art of Perfumery
Emily Dougherty
Beauty Director, Elle Magazine
Lucy Raubertas
Indie Perfumes
Gaia Fishler
The Non-Blonde
Bruce E. Teitelbaum
Ann Gottlieb
President, Ann Gottlieb Associates, Inc.
Rayda Vega
Consultant, Aromadyn
About The Fragrance Foundation
Dedicated to serving its member companies as a resource for industry expertise, innovation and education, The Fragrance Foundation was founded in 1949 to increase awareness and appreciation of fragrance in all its forms.
Here's a sneak peek at the Bobbi Brown Lilac Rose collection that will be released in Singapore in March and in Japan in May. The Lilac Rose Shimmer Brick with bright pink, golden pink, and icy pink pearl pigments looks so dreamy and pretty. More details and pics can be found on Venusbuzz and here. See the collection display on Her World's Instagram.
Coucou les petits clous ! Me voilà de retour maintenant qu'Orange a enfin rétabli ma connexion internet au bout de 10 jours coupé du monde digital durant lesquels j'ai bien cru devenir fou (enfin, plus fou encore que d'ordinaire j'entends) ! C'est dingue tout ce qui c'est passé dans le petit monde de la beauté ces 15 derniers jours, au point que je ne sais même plus trop par quoi commencer pour reprendre le fil de cette Planète. Entre le rachat d'Aesop par Natura Brasil et surtout la disparition annoncée dans les tous prochains jours de la marque Kibio, sacrifiée par Clarins sur l'autel de la rentabilité, on ne s'est pas ennuyé. Côté lancements de produits innovants, pas mal de choses à signaler également même si j'ai pour ma part décidé de me concentrer sur un seul d'entre eux aujourd'hui : la nouvelle génération de coloration disponible en grandes surfaces.
Si vous vous souvenez bien, Garnier avait marqué des points il y a quelques mois sur le créneau de la colo avec le lancement d'Olia, leur produit à l'huile qui présentait l'énorme avantage de ne pas avoir cette atroooooce odeur d'ammoniaque (on en parlait ICI pour souvenir!). Un bénéfice plus que bienvenu pour la consommatrice qui n'avait ainsi plus à s'irradier les narines ni à se placer dans une ambiance odorante digne de Fukushima pour pouvoir estomper ses racines ! Un produit qui d'ailleurs cartonne d'après ce que j'ai pu lire cette semaine dans le magazine professionnel Points de vente, avec même des semaines où le produit atteint 10% de part de marché sur son rayon. En clair, un vrai succès. Je me souviens qu'à l'époque de ce lancement, je m'étais étonné que cette innovation de rupture ne soit pas attribuée à L'Oréal Paris qui reste quand même la marque star du groupe en grandes surfaces. Et c'est seulement il y a quelques jours, en découvrant justement la nouvelle colo L'Oréal dans un magazine, que j'ai mieux compris pourquoi : eux aussi avaient déjà leur petite révolution capillaire dans les cartons à travers la première colo ne nécessitant aucun mélange préalable ! Le genre de trucs qui peut changer la vie, vous en conviendrez !
Bon, L'Oréal n'est pas seul sur le coup puisque Schwarzkopf (promis, un jour, j'arriverai à l'écrire sans devoir checker dans Google que je n'ai pas encore écorché l'orthographe!) arrive avec exactement le même produit au même moment. Et pour une fois, ce n'est pas la recherche scientifique toujours à l'affut de nouvelles molécules que l'on applaudit mais plutôt le service en charge du développement du packaging qui a imaginé chez chacune de ces deux marques un nouveau flacon comprenant en fait deux cartouches à l'intérieur. Exactement sur le même modèle que ce que l'on trouve souvent en cosmétique, comme par exemple chez le Double Sérum Clarins dont on ne peut pas allumer la télé sans voir le spot de pub en ce moment. Et parce que c'est toujours plus simple une fois illustré, voici une petite photo qui rendra les choses bien plus clair.
C'est tout con en apparence mais ça change tout. Ici et réuni dans un seul flacon, deux aérosols à propulsion instantanée (un pour la couleur, un pour le révélateur) que l'on active d'une seule pression sur le haut du bordel. Je rigole en écrivant cela car j'imagine déjà que dans 5 ans, on rigolera en se rappelant avec nostalgie qu'il y a encore quelques temps, les femmes devaient sortir leur bol et leur pinceau pour teindre leur crinière. On mettra alors ces fameuses "bouillotes de mélange" au musée des objets aussi inutiles que dépassés entre les cartes téléphoniques, Ayem & Nabila et le walkman ! La recherche de L'Oréal explique qu'ici, la difficulté était de bien protéger la couleur qui est très sensible. C'est d'ailleurs pour cela qu'elle se retrouve ici protégée à deux reprises (dans son tube plastique, lui même placé dans un second en aluminium) afin de ne pas rentrer en contact avec l'air. Autre challenge : être certain qu'il sorte du tube la bonne proportion de couleur par rapport au révélateur. Une variable qui n'aurait été qu'une simple formalité si les deux avaient la même consistance. Manque de bol pour les ingénieurs, le colorant est très liquide tandis que le révélateur a lui une texture plus pâteuse. Du coup, il a fallu prendre en compte cette particularité en faisant en sorte que la pression des gaz sur le tube du révélateur soit plus importante pour que la mousse qui sort du tube soit parfaitement homogène.
Je ne m'attarde d'ailleurs pas sur la texture mousse que tout le monde connait plutôt bien maintenant, on est d'accord là dessus ? Son avantage principal est qu'une fois déposé sur les racines, on la masse comme un shampooing (avec les gants bien entendu!) pour bien couvrir l'ensemble de la chevelure. Bien moins pénible que le pinceau mèche à mèche. Si je résume à ce stade du jeu, nous avons donc face à nous une colo ne nécessitant plus aucun mélange ni étape préparatoire et à l'application somme toute assez enfantine. Mais comme si cela n'était pas suffisant, ce nouveau procédé présente un dernier avantage loin d'être négligeable : le produit est réutilisable. Si vous avez les cheveux longs, cela ne changera rien pour vous à savoir que vous ferez une couleur avec un tube. En revanche, si vous avez les cheveux mi-longs, il vous restera certainement dans le tube de quoi refaire vos racines. Et pour celles qui ont les cheveux courts, c'est encore mieux puisque vous aurez même de quoi faire deux couleurs avec un seul produit. Allez, avouez que c'est quand même bien vu tout ça !
Une douzaine de couleurs chez L'Oréal (seulement 6 pour Schwarzkopf (purée, il a encore fallu que je vérifie alors que je l'ai écris il y a quelques minutes à peine!), 30 minutes de pose pour les deux, un produit vendu à peu moins de 15 euros (l'offre haut-de-gamme en grandes surfaces mais qui me semble quand même plus que justifié ici compte tenu de la praticité du schmilblick), je crois que là, vous savez tout ce qu'il y avait à savoir. Aviez-vous entendu parler de ces innovations en matière de coloration ou pas encore ? Si vous faites partie de la grande majorité des femmes qui se colorent elle-même les cheveux, est-ce le genre de choses qui peut directement vous donner envie d'essayer ce produit ? Le côté très pratique et réutilisable de la chose peuvent-ils réussir à convaincre les réticentes à la colo@home qui se cachent peut-être parmi vous ? Et tiens par curiosité, est-ce que vous avez déjà testé la fameuse colo Olia vous ? Si oui, cela m'intéresserait d'avoir vos retours à son sujet car j'ai eu des avis tantôt extrêmement positifs et tantôt bien plus mitigés à son sujet.
Fans of Canmake's Candy Wrap Lip glosses may be pleased to know that there is a new limited edition shade 09 Dark Night Plum that has just been released in Japan. Reviews on Cosme.net describe it as a translucent dark cherry tint. See swatches of it on Beautist and Cosme.net. According to Chiaki Niimi, another three new French Lolita-themed shades will be released on 2 April in Japan. Before that, Canmake will launch a new Stay On Balm Rouge in three shades on 4 March. See the pic here. Canmake has also just released a new limited edition shade CL04 Clear Pink Joy of their popular Cream Cheek series. For reviews of the first three shades in Clear series, do check out A Little Dab Into Makeup and So Lonely in Gorgeous. All four shades are available from Alpha Beauty on Ebay (not affiliated).
I purchased this Lipstick Queen Dancing Queen set at Space.NK during their recent post-Christmas sale. Originally retailing at £38, it was marked down to half price which made it a pretty good deal considering that their lipsticks usually retail at £20 each. On Beauty.com, Dancing Queen is still available at US$45. The seductive burnished red metal packaging was what drew me in. It's ultra sleek and feels weightier than your average lipstick. The brand creator Poppy King has a long illustrious career from starting her own lipstick line at the mere age of 18 (which used to be carried at Tangs Studio in Ngee Ann City in Singapore), to becoming the Vice President of Creative Marketing of Prescriptives. More recently, she has collaborated with No. 7 in the UK, in addition to having her own Lipstick Queen line. The trio is described as "sheer matte lipstick with a touch of disco", which translates into sheer lipsticks with lots of glittery sparkles. The pic belows shows (from left to right): The Hustle, Cha Cha and Electric Slide. These swatches were about four layers each as it takes some layering to get the color to show up well. These slick on very smoothly, and despite the presence of glitter, they do not feel gritty or rough. The sheer finish makes these shades easy to pull off as they are not dramatic or bright. They last about 3 to 4 hours on me absent drinking/eating, but they do come off at the slightest touch. After blowing my nose, half the lipstick on my top lip was gone. In the pic below, I am wearing Electric Slide, which looks redder in real life. The lip swatch pic below is a more accurate representation. Pic below shows The Hustle, a sparkling honey nude with rose shimmer that gives the understated hue an interesting twist. Pic below shows Cha Cha. Overall, I'm pretty happy with this set as it offers a nice range of highly wearable shades in a comfortable texture. However, I don't think I would have paid full price for it as my personal preference still leans towards creamier shades with greater coverage. List of ingredients. This is made in Canada.
According to Maquia, Anna Sui will release this collection of 10 matte polishes, five crackle polishes and nail art stickers in three designs on 4 April in Japan. Do also check out Anna Sui's second luggage collaboration with Tumi.
The Kate website has been updated with the new spring collection. Below is the TV CM featuring the new Goldish Eyes palettes. Watch the behind-the-scenes clip here.
Tutorial for Goldish Eyes.
Tutorial for the new Slim Gel Liner Pencil and Teary Drop Liner.
Concealing Cover Pact and Bright Up Cover Base.
The Lavshuca spring collection is also up on the official website. Right now, I'm seriously lemming after almost everything in the Suqqu spring collection after seeing these preview pics on Sweet Makeup Temptations. It doesn't help that everything is limited edition! The collection launches on 1 February in Japan and around end-February in Selfridges in the UK. I also liked the fresh faced looks showcased in the video clip for Three's "Love Is The Answer" collection. Watch it here.
Guerlaine Coup de Foudre and Attrape-Coeur Swatches
For its spring 2013 collection, Guerlain released two limited edition Écrin 4 Couleurs Long Lasting Eyeshadows (US$59). #501 Attrape Couer is a rather standard purple/mauve quad while #502 Coup de Foudre is an unusual orange coral and mossy green quad that has been causing quite a stir on MakeupAlley, where it has quickly become known by just its initials. These swatches were done with bare skin without any primer. All the shades in Coup de Foudre swatched very nicely whereas the shades in Attrape Couer required more layering. The eyeshadows have a luxurious velvety texture. While I was impressed by the color payoff of Coup de Foudre, it was ultimately a pass for me as the coral was too orange-toned. Mossy greens also tend to make my complexion look dull. Still, it's certainly one of the most unusual eyeshadow palettes released by Guerlain in years. Attrape Couer is much less interesting in comparison and can be easily duped. This didn't seem to justify the high price tag to me. From this collection, I only purchased the Meteorites Perles du Paradis, which I will receive only in a few weeks as I ordered them from Nordstrom. As it's still the depth of winter over here with the temperature at zero degrees most days, it was a pleasant surprise when my orchids bloomed suddenly over the past week. Based on last year's experience, these blooms can be expected to last for several weeks.
Hearty Congratulations to the five finalists! It's times like these when I almost feel a sense of relief because I'm not faced with the judging panel's difficult task of choosing.
The winner will be announced at the ceremony on Monday night at Elements Showcase. Best of luck to our finalists, and a huge thank you to all of the entrants this year!
~Carrie Meredith
New York, NY, January 23, 2013. The Fragrance Foundation is pleased to announce the top five finalists for the 2013 Indie Award (in alphabetical order):
Amber Oud By Kilian, Inc.
CUIRELLE Ramon Monegal Perfumes Barcelona
Rima XI Carner Barcelona
The final five represent a community of talented individuals who launched unique and provocative fragrances in 2012. The winner will be announced on January 28th at The Elements Showcase for The Fragrance Foundation Awards by Elizabeth Musmanno, President of The Fragrance Foundation.
“The Fragrance Foundation and our industry are thrilled to support small companies who have been chosen by our industry elite,” said Elizabeth Musmanno, President of The Foundation. “We look forward to honoring our finalists and applauding them for their creative achievements.”
“Indie” is defined as an established brand that has been on the market for at least two years, is not distributed or owned by a large company and is sold in 1 to 50 stores in the U.S.
The judging panel members were:
Paul Austin
President, Austin Advisory Group
Anne-Marie Guarnieri
Senior Beauty Editor, Allure Magazine
Virginia Bonofiglio
Chairperson, Cosmetics & Fragrance Marketing, FIT
Raymond Matts
The Art of Perfumery
Emily Dougherty
Beauty Director, Elle Magazine
Lucy Raubertas
Indie Perfumes
Gaia Fishler
The Non-Blonde
Bruce E. Teitelbaum
Ann Gottlieb
President, Ann Gottlieb Associates, Inc.
Rayda Vega
Consultant, Aromadyn
About The Fragrance Foundation
Dedicated to serving its member companies as a resource for industry expertise, innovation and education, The Fragrance Foundation was founded in 1949 to increase awareness and appreciation of fragrance in all its forms.
Spotted the Essence Fantasia collection at my supermarket today. This was supposed to be released in December, but my supermarket usually gets the trend editions later. Towards the end of the year, things are going to get magical with the new trend edition “fantasia” as essence whisks you away to a fantasy world in December 2012. Who hasn’t longed to be in a place far away from reality where everything is perfect and dreams can come true? “Fantasia” embodies this magical feeling with intense purple and wine-red, coral as well as subtle nude shades and creates a totally trendy elf-like look. The metallic effects offer this style a touch of glamour that is just perfect for Christmas time. The face highlighter 01 Elf Yourself looked quite bland and washed out so I skipped it. The collection also includes two Lip Lacquers 01 Queen of My Cloud Castle and 02 Take A Ride on Pegasus, plus two metallic liners. The eyeshadows in 01 Elves Like lilac, 02 Not Ivory but Ebony and 03 Have You Seen My Unicorn have a soft shimmery finish. They didn't feel dry but were not that pigmented when swatched. Nailpolishes in 01 Elves Like Lilac, 02 Queen of My Cloud Castle, 03 Take A Ride On Pegasus and 04 Have You Seen My Unicorn. Overall, Fantasia was not a very memorable collection. Like Urban Decay, Essence will be doing a tie-in with the upcoming Oz movie. The Oz collection is due out in February. See the details here.