samedi 1 mai 2010

Beauty Essentials: Blotting Sheets

If you ask me which beauty item I need to have with me at all times or which item I have most faithfully/frequently re-purchased, the answer is Gatsby Oil Clear Sheets. Ever since I was a teenager, I have had oily skin which shows no signs of abating even after I hit my 30s. I even tried Roaccutane twice for several months each time but the oiliness returned after I stopped taking the medication. So for me, these blotting sheets are an absolute lifesaver and I always try to have a pack in my bag, another at my work desk and a third in my bedroom. Sometimes I don't even have any makeup in my purse but you will always find a pack of blotting sheets in there. These sheets are excellent for wicking away the oil without removing your makeup.

Gatsby has been my staple for too many years to count. My mother used to buy these by the dozen from People's Park in Chinatown (from those shops selling cheap toiletries). Now, I just purchase them from Watsons where they cost about S$4 for a pack of 70 sheets. What I like about the Gatsby sheets is that they are much more absorbent than paper-based blotting sheets. The generous size also means that I usually need only one sheet, whereas sometimes I need to use up to five sheets of the Body Shop's Tea Tree Blotting Tissues. Gatsby also has paper-based blotting sheets that contain a sprinkling of powder to help mattify the skin but I still prefer the non-powder version.

The Gatsby version is very similar to Clean & Clear in terms of the material but Gatsby is greater value for money because not only are the Gatsby sheets larger, there are also 70 sheets in a Gatsby pack compared to 50 for Clean & Clear.

The Body Shop's Tea Tree Blotting Sheets (S$5.50 for a pack of 65) are infused with organic tea tree oil to help combat blemished skin. While I like the tea tree oil scent, the absorbent power is much less impressive compared to Gatsby. As I need to use a four or five sheets each time, I can go through one Body Shop pack in just a week whereas the Gatsby pack usually lasts me a few weeks.

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