vendredi 16 avril 2010

LeSportSac 35th Avenue Mook

The LeSportsac mooks arrived in the late afternoon yesterday (Friday) at Kinokuniya. These retail for S$27.50 each (or S$24.75 after the 10% members discount). No reservations are allowed so you have to go down to the stores to buy them. There were about 20 copies of each of the three designs when I was at the store in Ngee Ann City.

The 35th Avenue print is exclusive to Japan. The material is exactly the same rip-stop nylon as that used in regular LeSportsac bags.

To my disappointment, I discovered that the multi-case in my copy was unevenly stitched together such that the two sides do not align, although it still zips up properly. You can see the edges are totally out of alignment with one another. This is the first time I've encountered such a defect in a mook accessory. My friend, who bought the black glitter version, got a case that was perfectly fine, so looks like it's just my bad luck. So caveat emptor (buyer beware). (Edited to add: I managed to exchange the case at Kino.)

The case also comes with a detachable strap (not pictured here).

The interior has several compartments of varying sizes. The case design is very similar to the Lily wallet design, which retails for S$95-$100 at Isetan.

Some pages of the 64-page mook.

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